Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I have had several people lately ask me how i am so strong and how I have such a good attitude.  My answer is not an easy one, and I didn't even know how to answer for a few days.  Part of my answer is that is just who I am.  I have always tried to have a good attitude and look for the positive in everything I do.  I often tell my children that we are so lucky, today we "get" to clean our rooms, or whatever the exciting task of the day might be.  I feel lucky that I have never really been one to dwell on the worst case scenarios.  It truly is a blessing to have a good attitude some days.

I believe it can also be a choice.  I have been reading Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle.  There are so many good things in her book that can lead every one of us to adopt a better attitude.

       "If your focus is on the negative, then you will experience life as getting harder.  If your focus is on the positive, you will experience life as getting easier.  Whatever negative patterns you are creating in your life, you will find it more and more uncomfortable to stay in them.
        The good news is it has never been easier to make changes... Remember that you are wonderful, perfect, learning and growing, and doing the  best that you know how."

Each day we have the opportunity to make a fresh start.  It reminds me of the "pull a card" system at my children's school.  They start each day with a green card.  Based on their behavior and the consequences of such, they are asked to pull a card if they do something that crosses the line that has been established.  The colors have different meanings and go from a verbal warning to calling your parents and even visiting with the principal.  But every new day brings a new opportunity and starts over with a green card.  They are not held accountable for yesterday's behavior, they have had their slates wiped clean. 

It isn't that easy with repentance and our actions do have consequences, but our attitudes can be wiped clean every morning and we can choose to have a better one.  I know it sounds Pollyanna and a little naive, but I firmly believe that we can control our environment and change the focus of our lives and our marriages by having a good attitude.  Hope for the future. 

I hope you can find hope in your own future..